A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It kind of a funny story Movie Review

                   So you have heard my opinion of the movie know I am going to post some opinions from others. According to the Chicago Tribune, they say that the movie director did a good job but yet he failed to give it a little pow or shock. His exact words were:The result is both a success and a disappointment. "It's Kind of a Funny Story," divided into neat little daylong chapters in Craig's stay, lacks the staying power and bittersweet layering of "Half Nelson" and "Sugar."  He feels that he succeded in making it a good movie but still it needed some more to it. I totally agree with this person, I feel the director should have done something to wow the audience. <Michael Phillips.Movie critic. Its Kind of Funny story'' review: film duo good even not at their best. feb,16,2011.http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2010-10-07/entertainment/sc-mov-1005-its-kind-of-a-funny-story20101007_1_fleck-and-boden-filmmaking-duo-ned-vizzini>.
The next source feels that this movie was a good outreach for teens all over the world. He states that depression is a big problem in the united states and this might give good hope to those who watch. But he does believe that they shouldn't really make the movie as a joke because it is a serious matter. But I find that the funnier it is that more it will stick in teens because then they would actually want to watch the movie.
<Marc Pols. Time Entertainment Its kind of a funny story: Depressuion lite. feb 16, 2011. <http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,2024080,00.html#ixzz1ERIy4Qya >

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