A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spirit of the Phoenix:Beiut and the Story of Lebanon page 1-52

             That book starts of with talking about the 12th president  to be of Lebanon, Michel Suleiman. Talking about the back round of president of Lebanon, ad how ten presidents of Lebanon, have served their fullest terms. There were interesting years in, terms of Lebanon where they didn't have a president for a year, and so then  the Member of Parliaments take the place of the president. Michel Suleiman, was president in 2008 , is a commander in the blue army. Many people respect him. He is a 'Maronite Christian', which has been very good for this country since most of the problems in Lebanon are because the Muslims want to take over the land. There have been weary situation for presidency especially in the 1900s, where in n1976 they rushed a president to be elected, due to the president elected in 190, Franjieh, was doing nothing to preseve Lebanon. Lebanon was under alot of pressure and the National Assembly felt that it was, a time for a stronger president. Lebanon was going under alot of government reconstruciton. Where the syrians have inspired the drafts of the legislation. Lebanon is such a beautiful country but there is too much violence there. Syrians and the Israelis have been fighting over this land for  long 20 and more years.While during the 1980s Israel, had controlled Lebanon, and faught back the Syrians. For a couple of years the Syrians and Israelis have been back and forth back and forth, controlling Lebanon. Fighting and destroying the beautiful soil. The beautiful language that the Lebenese speak is a mixture of French to English to Lebenese. They embrace the culture of both countries. The civil war that was taking place in the 1970s was all about religio, fought by the Christians and the muslims. Streets were destroyed homes were damages and many people were killed.

          "  'When people said Beirut is bac to normal, ' I think 'Perhaps this is what they mean. Armed men everywhere and the machinery of the war clogging the streets'" ( Llewellyn 21).

           This quote shows that Lebanon is very dependent on the local army. It shows a sign of weakness the country couldn't be able to function without them on the streets keeping everyone in line, in  what they are suppose to do. Other things that really shocked me was how, politically unstable they are. Many presidents coming and going and many, assasined. This country is full with loving peole  but hated, enemies all around them, which makes it impossible for them to live in peace.

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