A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It kind of a funny story My Movie Review

I have finally finished the book and now moved on to the movie. Overall the movie was good, but it wasn't as I had expected. The movie started on Sunday the day that Craig Gilner went to a phsycological warp. The director did a good job at having the most important scenes be in the movie instead of putting all the boring stuff like when he gets into the school and goes and celebrates and throws off. They went right to the climax when Craig was about to actually kill himselof. It put you in a liitle suspenion in the furst couple seconds of the movie. It was really good. The only thing that I didn't like was the fact that I actually feel that he should have put more scenes in the begining of the movie about how he actually got depression, like how his friends actually caused at least seventy percent of his depression. It would have been less confusing for those who didn't actually read the book. Most of the film angles where either at over the shoulder, when he talked to  Noelle. There were no reaction shots, but I did feel like they needed some especially when Craig found out that he was going to a warp. There where no high or low angles, it didn't seem like there needed to be any which was good. Over all if I had to rate this movie from 1-10 I would definitely say it was like a 9. Everyone of the ages 15-20 should watch this because it really does give a good message about how to deal with depression.

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