A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

A separate Peace pages 1-32

Summary -
           The narrator of the story is Gene Forrester. He returns to his own school fifteens years later, becoming familiar with the place. He begins to realize that he sees it in a different perspective then he did when he actually went to Davon School. He talks about the big foot-ball, baseball and soccer fields. He also remembers the tree where , Finny and a couple of other friends went to a tree located near a lake, and they wanted to jump of one of the branches into the water, so Finny goes first and then goes Gene, but the others actually refuse to go after. It seemed as if he was a little hesitant at first but then when Finny yelled at him and pretty much commanded him to get into the water he jumps right in. It shows as if his charcter is the ty pe who needs to be motivated to fufill something. Finny, Gene's best friend, seems as if he ius a very persuasive person. As he remembers the time where Finnny, actually gets himself out of getting introuble with the subsitute headmaster. As he was wearing his tie as a belt. Finny and Gene make a packed called the Super Suicide Society of Summer Sessions".

         " I was taller, bigger generally in relationto these stairs. I had more money and success and 'security' than in the days when specters seemed to go up and down them with me." ( Knowles12) .

          This quote is such a good way to start of the chapter. It just flatly tells you that this is a coming of age story, where we the readers analyse his life frowing up in World WarrII. So far I have caught so much metaphors and similies, describing objects like the tree and even describing himself. I see that this character is such a strong character, especially living during World War II.

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