A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Separate Peace pages 33-71

               As Gene begins to remember the days in Devon High, he recalls when Finny saved his life when they climbed the tree a second time, where Gene lost his balance but then Finny caught his hand. As the summer went on the Summer Suicide Society of the Summer Session started and it was everyday. Finny not knowing that Gene didn't really feel like going to the Sessions everyday, was pushed to. He was getting more and more tense everyday, about the situation and he just kept his mouth shut. One day before the Summer Session, Finny found a ball, he began to make up a name for the ball and made a game that the boys later on called Blitzball, the game was very similar to today's game of football. As they play the game Gene of course notices that Finny never gets tire; he says that he has the same level of energy all through out the day. Gene constantly admires Finny for his good athletics and his good features, stating that people stare at him in admiration. One day Finny even broke the school record for the 100 yard in swimming but only Gene knew about that because Finny didn't want anybody else to know. As days go by doing most of the same things over again like climbing the tree and jumping out and playing blitzball, one day a tragedy hit. Finny was on the tree and so was Gene when Finny lost his balance and then he feel in the river with a bad hit. He was in the school hospital for quite some time and now he can't play sports.

        "Finny would shine with everyone, he attracted everyone he met. I was glad of that too. Naturally. He was my roommate and my best friend. (Knowles40)

             This quote actually shows that Gene is thankful that he has a friend so admired. He feels so proud that such a person picked him as a best friend. It also shows that this character is week. He never congratulates himself on any of his achievements. He always talks about Finny, Finny is the one always pushing him to do bold things and he never says no even though he wants to. Gene is a follower, and I think this is because he doesn't want to hurt his best friend. In the story I notice alot of similes and metaphors take place in the story. I feel that when the author does that it spices up the story.

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