A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Life's that way by Jim Beaver pages 185-254

              On May 3, 2004 its been two months since  Cec died. Beaver is still trying to get used to the fact that his wife is gone , and can no longer exists. He writes about her in every journal entry saying how he wishes that she were here to see her progress. Maddie has autism so she has to go to therapy every week to check on her progress. As the Doctors concuded she is getting better and better at her speech although she is having trouble seeing eye to eye. Maddie may be having trouble with autism, but the doctors predic that sooner or later she will out grow it, due to her tremendously good progress. After a tremendous out fall with his wife, he recently finds out his father died, two months after Cec died, then his Grandmother died later on in the week. This was very sad as he lost not only one person that he loved but two other people that were a part of his life since he was an infant. Other then that there is nothig much to right since all that he rights is baout he is struggling with his fight as a single father. He still talks to Cec in public outloud having effective conversations, about Maddie's progress in speech and her actions. She gets cutier and cutier every night, saying things like "Daddy sad, i make boobo go away." theswe things just make his day. But nothing really happened this section of the book.

         "Hold tight to those you love.Hold tight." ( Beaver 202).

            This quote really makes the reader feel pity for the narrator. It actually makes us the readers feel guilty that we may have not exactly spent quality time with the people we love.It makes us feel like we haven't done anything to close the gaps in out hearts. Beaver gives alot of advise, saying that we should keep close to the people that we love and it at least made me wonder what I should do to fufil his advise.

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