A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Life's that Way pg 47-133

               As the days go by and Cecliy is in the hospital, Maddie begins to have tantrums. She would jump up and down, for hours crying until she got her way. As Maddie gets worse, Beaver wants to take her to the hopital. A couple days later she was diagnosed with autism. As a result Maddie has to go to a therapist, every week. Trying to juggle both his wife and his daughter was begging to be very hard. So he began to take all the offers he gets from all his friends and family. So many people have offered to help that Beaver has a whole list of when one person will babysitt and when one will go to the hospital to see Cecily. News on Cecily has really been shocking in these past chapters. She has gone through a couple chemo therapy and some radiations. She was begging to get really tired sleeping most of the day, and she stopped radiation and chemo for a while, but the doctor gave her morphine which helped reduce the pain, it was said that it would also kill the cancer cells. So as a result of the morphine, Cecily begins to loose her memory.So after a couple of days with morphine they go back to her regular chemo and radiation. But after a couple weeks back on her chemo, they tested to see if  the cancer cells have somewhat declined, but they Doctor reports that they were slightely up but not too much so he was actually encouraged that they were not drastically changing in a bad way. But soon after the examination Cecily begins to have severe stomach and back pain.  So Beaver took her to the hospital and soon after they find out that she has severe gastric. Which is totally worse then what was expected. So then a day later they also found out that she had pnemonia. Still in pain Cecily is still hospitilized.

         "They day after, we fight. And if this disease plans on whipping us, it better bring a launch,'cause it's going to have a long day doing it." ( Beaver 55).

              This quote, tremendously shows how strong that this family will be. It shows that they are willing to fight and do whatever it takes to oversome this disease. It also shows how supportive Beaver is and how he wants his wife to really heal soon. In the novel it also describes cancer as being several types of animals like an animal, For example one that I found was interesting would be when they describes cancer as an elephant. I think it is really ironic because an elephant is known as an animal that would disrupt anything in its way, and that is exaclty what the cancer cells are doing to Cecily's body, distrupting everything in its way.

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