A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It kind of a funny story Movie Review

                   So you have heard my opinion of the movie know I am going to post some opinions from others. According to the Chicago Tribune, they say that the movie director did a good job but yet he failed to give it a little pow or shock. His exact words were:The result is both a success and a disappointment. "It's Kind of a Funny Story," divided into neat little daylong chapters in Craig's stay, lacks the staying power and bittersweet layering of "Half Nelson" and "Sugar."  He feels that he succeded in making it a good movie but still it needed some more to it. I totally agree with this person, I feel the director should have done something to wow the audience. <Michael Phillips.Movie critic. Its Kind of Funny story'' review: film duo good even not at their best. feb,16,2011.http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2010-10-07/entertainment/sc-mov-1005-its-kind-of-a-funny-story20101007_1_fleck-and-boden-filmmaking-duo-ned-vizzini>.
The next source feels that this movie was a good outreach for teens all over the world. He states that depression is a big problem in the united states and this might give good hope to those who watch. But he does believe that they shouldn't really make the movie as a joke because it is a serious matter. But I find that the funnier it is that more it will stick in teens because then they would actually want to watch the movie.
<Marc Pols. Time Entertainment Its kind of a funny story: Depressuion lite. feb 16, 2011. <http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,2024080,00.html#ixzz1ERIy4Qya >

It kind of a funny story My Movie Review

I have finally finished the book and now moved on to the movie. Overall the movie was good, but it wasn't as I had expected. The movie started on Sunday the day that Craig Gilner went to a phsycological warp. The director did a good job at having the most important scenes be in the movie instead of putting all the boring stuff like when he gets into the school and goes and celebrates and throws off. They went right to the climax when Craig was about to actually kill himselof. It put you in a liitle suspenion in the furst couple seconds of the movie. It was really good. The only thing that I didn't like was the fact that I actually feel that he should have put more scenes in the begining of the movie about how he actually got depression, like how his friends actually caused at least seventy percent of his depression. It would have been less confusing for those who didn't actually read the book. Most of the film angles where either at over the shoulder, when he talked to  Noelle. There were no reaction shots, but I did feel like they needed some especially when Craig found out that he was going to a warp. There where no high or low angles, it didn't seem like there needed to be any which was good. Over all if I had to rate this movie from 1-10 I would definitely say it was like a 9. Everyone of the ages 15-20 should watch this because it really does give a good message about how to deal with depression.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Its kind of a funny story pg 304-444

          As the book is comming to an end, Craig is feeling alot better and has alot of more confidence in himself then he did before. He is now drawing maps inside people's brains and is just having fun with it. He also becomes really close with Noel and they play the question games every night, where they ask each other a question. It seems like Craig really likes her. He really seems like he fits. His friends Bobby and Jimmy all will miss him and he finds that he belogs and he kind of doesn't want to leave. He calls his principle and finds out that they all support him, but Craig decides to leave his old school and go to art school were he may actually fit in. He makes alot of decisions on what he wants to do and actually figures himself out, he knowns know that his old friends were part of the problem and know he has new friends that are part of the solution. Craig now knows what he wants to be an Artist. He enjoys art, he loves it so much that before he left the hospital he drew everyone a map of themselves, everyone who lined up to get one was so please, and the strory endes Craig leaving the Hospital.

    "I hold out my hand to Noelle in a fit of Confidence" ( Vizzini 335)

         I thought this quote really shows how Craig really overcame his fear of talking to girls and people and general, where know he is actually talking to a girl with great confidence. But not only is he talking to her but he is also dancing. He goes from being socialy drained to someone who is the life of the party. I loved this book it was really funny and I actually wanted to finish the book this time. So I think that author really did a good job in communicating with the readers and I feel that this book would be good for anyone who just wants a laugh or a good book to read.