A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Its Kind of A Funny Story pg1-160

              Craig, may seem like an average young boy living in Brooklyn, but he really isn't. Craig has been a self driven boy since he was three years old. When he was three he tried to draw the map of Brooklyn and he didn't stop till he drew it perfectly. Years go by and he applies for one of the best highschool in the country. Craig take his seventh and eighth grade classes really seriously, he also deprives himself from having friends. All he really does is actually just study, he studies in school, during school, during the bus ride home and at home. After he gets in, his life basically just goes down the drain. Thinking he was number one in his seventh and eighth grade class, he thought again when he began highschool. He got his first seventy on a test in the beggining of the school year, which really got him made. He was so upset that he just really altogether stopped doing his homework and studying for test. A while goes by and his depression gets worst to the boiling point. He gets all this treatment and never gets better. He was taking zoloft but that really didn't work out becuase after he stopped taking the dosage he was back to his regular depressed life. Then this one day he just can't take it anymore he decides that he wants to kill gimself, but before he was going to jump over the bridge. Craig reads his moms book and it says to call the suidicide hotline, so he does. Then he was told to go to the emergency room and they will hepl him. Now he goes to Aragon Hospital and waits for his turn.

Quote-"Giving my brain up." (Vizzini 19)

           I think this quote was ironic because it seems as if he didnt care about school or anything,  but it is the opposite he actually took one whole year to study for a test. And now he is saying that he is giving his brain up, just like giving up which is totaly what he doesn't do. By just reading a hundred pages i was really interested and I actually like it, some part were a little unnecasary to say in the book but most of all it was really good and I can't wait to read the next 160 pages.

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