A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Separate Peace page 154-204

Finny now helpless because he has to use a can has to sit on the sidelines of a game of snowball fighting. The whole chapter really has alot going on especially Gene and Finny since they are seniors, they have to apply for some type of force in the army, But Gene decides not to go into the enlisting Brinker then notices this and tells Gene that he is doing this because Gene pitys him. Finny is in denial that he actually does pity Finny, but then Brinker gives some important advice; to just forget about the whole thing and go on with their lives. He claims that if he stays that way Finny will begin to pitty himself and soon become aware of everything that happened to him and he will become upset. During the night Brinker took the boys to the auditorium and began to investigate them. Brinker interviewed Finny and asked all the questions about how he fell out of the tree and why he did so.  They begin to get  really mean and Finny gets agrivated. When they take Leper to the stage Finny can't take it so he ran out with tears in his eyes. Then Bam! All you could hear was Finny falling down the stairs. The Doctor states that Finny broke his leg but not as badly as before, so that was somewhat good news. Finny is mad at Gene and so Gene didn't go into the patients room so he left after apoligizing. After Finny cools down Gene and him have a deep conversation about the month of the crash. Finny begins to cry about that day ans wants to know why Gene did such a thing, but Gene says that he didn't intentionally do it, so they go back as friends. Yay! Its that time of year. Graduation of the Seniors ! The book ended with the conclusion that he never killed anyone in the military and he really only killed his enemy at the school. Then he says that Finny couldn't go to war at all.

       "what i mean is it wouldn't do any harmn , you know if everything Finny's accident was cleared up and forgotten."( Knowles 160).

         During these last chapters I felt a sense of sympathy for Finny. I really felt bad I mean he was a big shot, more like a jock in these days, but he never actually hurt anyone he was really nice and it made him seem like a saint. H e broke his leg twice and that really took the story in a twist, the poor kid was already limping then he feel down the stairs I mean that is really tragic. Although from this story I mostly got the fact that Finny and Gene had a really close realtionship. It made it seems as if they were brothers doing everyhting and that was really touvhing in the story.

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