A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Anthemby by Ayn Rand pages 41-105

Summary- The men from Equality 7-2521 have been still hiding in their cave every night discovering new things every day. The even discovered a group of women called Liberty 5-3000, but they called them the 'Golden Ones' They really liked them and secretely they have been waiting for them to come out everyday at the same time and the same place. Then one day they met each other and both parties seemed to like each other. Equilaities have been alone through this whole process trying to figure out the whole meaning of things. Then one day it came to them they discovered how to make light. They were so thrilled, but they couldn't tell anyone until the World coucil came to their town. When they showed them the light the council was frightened and they knew that this wasn't true for they didn't want anyone figuring out things. Before they could arrest them. Equality jumped out the window and ran into the forest were  none was aloud to go. On their way they saw the Golden Ones, who were following them the whole time. They go days into the forest until one day they find a beautiful house that was very old. They claimed it for themselves and they will live with the Golden Ones creating a new family and a new generation and a new town.
Quote- "Council of Scholars is blind." ( Rand 52)
Reaction- This quote is a really good quote from the book because it shows that these men are actually figuring out the secrets and the issues behind this town, and then they realize that it is actually the Scholars are blind for not seeing the new inventions. As this book gets closer to the end these intelligent people get closer and closer in becoming more themselves as indivuals instead of being all robotic in life. I see that they become more aware of the situation where the government is corrupting their minds and that they should be doing something better with their lives.

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