A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spirit of the Phoenix:Beiut and the Story of Lebanon page 110-140

Summary- The country is still by means in its violence states. But the story moves on talking about how the maronites became. The Maronite church was founded in the sixteenth century. They followed the Saint Maroun, who lived in the northern area of Syria. It is said that the people who founded the church believed in divine and human natures. For a long time Maronites were not welcomed in Lebanon and not even considered arabs. It is also said that they even made the Language Lebenese, which is arabic, translated into latin script. They also were known as arabic speakers and teachers. They knew the language well. During the tenth century Maronites were running from attacks made by Syrians, which lead them to settle in Mount Lebanon. Maronites think that they are descendents from Anatolia, which is part of turkey. It took a long time for the Maronites and the Roman church to get along. They became a union in the late twelth centruy. This was important becasue the crusaders wre still in Syria trying to make it a Muslim territory both the Roman and Maronite don't want that to happen. In 1510, after having the Maronite patriach of Antioch be recongnised asa a 'special historical' church. Maronites had it bad they were pushed to live in isolated cold winters and trade with cation, not knowing who will attack them. It was a mixture of trust between the Maronites and Romans, even though they have been recongnised. One person that is mentioned throughout the book is Samir Geagea. He was imprisioned for eleven years because he was accused of not bowing down to the Syrain leader. He was a miltia leader who was facing pain and agony, for not praising the Syrian leader. He was considered brave and noble to lebanon to most people in the country.

Quote-" Islamic, the duplicity of the Arab states, their futile, quarrels and treachery against one another, their disasterous lack of unity against outsiders, the west, Israel."( lleyellyn 117).

Reaction- This quote says alot about the Islams, and how they want to control every bit of thing that is in their way. They want to control and be dictators, even if no one agrees with them. This is what causes many confilict in Lebanon they have been wanting Lebanon for quite some time but can't get it. This shows that Lebanon is strong, but not strong enough to fight back and keep them off forever.

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