A Separate Peace by John Knowles!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Separate Peace page 154-204

Finny now helpless because he has to use a can has to sit on the sidelines of a game of snowball fighting. The whole chapter really has alot going on especially Gene and Finny since they are seniors, they have to apply for some type of force in the army, But Gene decides not to go into the enlisting Brinker then notices this and tells Gene that he is doing this because Gene pitys him. Finny is in denial that he actually does pity Finny, but then Brinker gives some important advice; to just forget about the whole thing and go on with their lives. He claims that if he stays that way Finny will begin to pitty himself and soon become aware of everything that happened to him and he will become upset. During the night Brinker took the boys to the auditorium and began to investigate them. Brinker interviewed Finny and asked all the questions about how he fell out of the tree and why he did so.  They begin to get  really mean and Finny gets agrivated. When they take Leper to the stage Finny can't take it so he ran out with tears in his eyes. Then Bam! All you could hear was Finny falling down the stairs. The Doctor states that Finny broke his leg but not as badly as before, so that was somewhat good news. Finny is mad at Gene and so Gene didn't go into the patients room so he left after apoligizing. After Finny cools down Gene and him have a deep conversation about the month of the crash. Finny begins to cry about that day ans wants to know why Gene did such a thing, but Gene says that he didn't intentionally do it, so they go back as friends. Yay! Its that time of year. Graduation of the Seniors ! The book ended with the conclusion that he never killed anyone in the military and he really only killed his enemy at the school. Then he says that Finny couldn't go to war at all.

       "what i mean is it wouldn't do any harmn , you know if everything Finny's accident was cleared up and forgotten."( Knowles 160).

         During these last chapters I felt a sense of sympathy for Finny. I really felt bad I mean he was a big shot, more like a jock in these days, but he never actually hurt anyone he was really nice and it made him seem like a saint. H e broke his leg twice and that really took the story in a twist, the poor kid was already limping then he feel down the stairs I mean that is really tragic. Although from this story I mostly got the fact that Finny and Gene had a really close realtionship. It made it seems as if they were brothers doing everyhting and that was really touvhing in the story.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Separate Peace page 122-153

             Gene is happy that Finnny is back, he is glad that Finny is training with him, but he still doesn't get the war, and he just wants peace. They are preparing for the olypics. Finny was keeping Gene from all the friends that he made when he was gone. So I think that kind of irritates Gene a little bit, but yet finds peace when he practices with Finny. For fun Finny wants to have a winter carnival so they start to plan it. Gene visits Leper for Christmas in Vernont. Leper tells Gene that he doesn't want to go to the army. It seems as Leper actually had some doubt in the war too. But Gene gets too scared and he runs away, leaving Leper alone.

        What deceived me was my own happiness;for peace is indivisible,and the surrounding world confusion found no reflection inside me." ( Knowles 123)

           I find that in these pages that Gene has grown up and has a little more sense in him. He feels that he wants more peace. It also seems that before he really didn't have any goals he just fooled around with Finny but know he is training for the olypics and also wants to be the head of his class. These pages explain so much of Finny and Gene's growth in the year. It is almost chocking of how fast they grew.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A separate peace page 73- 122

              As the school year begins, Gene is a senior. He tries out for assistant manager for crew, getting the role, but welcoming him to the team was a little strange because one of the teammates actually insults Gene, he couldn't take the insult and so he fight him. Going to his dorm all soaked in water because he fell in the river, he meets up with his dorm advisor, who tells him he has a long distant call in his office. So going to the office and getting on the phone he hears his best friends voice, Finny. Boy, was he glad to hear his voice but yet surprised that Finny is still talking to him, since the accident. Finny asked about the first day, and seemed very happy to hear from him. It is expected that he is to return to school soon. Although Finny was very disappointed that Gene is assistent manager instead of actually being a rower on the team, saying that he actually has to play sports for his sake. During the winter Gene enlisted in becoming a soldier for the war earlier but he was shocked to find Finny in there room, for it was the first time that he is back since the accident. As usual Finny makes a joke out of everything, but Gene tells Finny about his idea about elisting in the army early but by the looks of Finny he tells that Finny doesn't want him to leave so he just puts that thought to the side. They made an agreement that Finny will train Gene, while Gene will tutor Finny in all his classes. Surprised they are making commence progress.

         " Listen pal, if I can't play sports, your going to have to play them for me." (Knowles 85)

           The reason I picked this quote was because I felt sypathetic for Finny. I felt the love that Finny has for Gene. I felt that they were brothers instead of friends, it was a moment of tears, for I could imagine him saying it in a serious way to get Gene in for the sport. I felt that these past couple of Chapters have been a little dull because Finny isn't with Gene doing any spontaneosly amazing new things. I felt as if without Finny Gene can't really be complete. Although I saw the loyalty that they both have for each other and that is why this story has appealed to me in such a great way.